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法院书记员法庭笔录的正文的特点 -金沙娱场城app


(1) specify the time and place of the court's hearing. the trial time should specify what day when a bit to a few minutes when (absence of hearing, according to the summons time delayed half an hour record). the venue for a trial is usually the court of several people's court (the court of appeal shall specify the exact location of the court session).



(2) state whether to hear publicly. in case of public hearing, the approximate number of persons to be tried, and the names of presiding judges, judges, or people's assessors and secretaries, shall be recorded.

(3)主文是法庭审理笔录的重点内容。法庭审理的全部活动,包括当事人和其他诉讼参与人的诉讼活动,应如实记载。按照民事诉讼法的规定,准确、具体记载法 庭调查阶段、辩论阶段,后陈述或后意见,以及评议后是否当庭宣判(民事案件在判决前还可以进行调解)等等,全部活动记入笔录。特别是诉辩双方陈述的关 键问题、当事人争议的焦点、当庭作证的证人证言、当庭出示和查对核实的证据、以及双方辩论的观点、理由等,都要如实记载。记录时,应根据不同案情,做出详 略得当的记录。

(3) the court is the key content of the record. all activities of the court, including the litigants and other participants in the proceedings, shall be faithfully recorded. in accordance with the provisions of the civil procedure law, accurate and detailed record of the court investigation stage, stage of the debate, the final statement or final opinions, and review whether the sentencing court (civil case before the judge can also mediate) and so on, all the activities in the record. especially the plea statement of the key issues, both parties of dispute, the testimony of witnesses to testify in court, in court and checking the verification of evidence, and both sides of the debate views and reasons, to truthfully record. records should be based on different cases, make a detailed, slightly appropriate record.


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