法警和人民警察有明显的区别 -金沙娱场城app
skill training to hire han shunli as the intermediate court bailiff team of police instructors, including queue qingdiquan, baton shield exercises, and other basic skills of police baton operation. the trained policemen are trained with great enthusiasm and strictly according to the requirements. they should listen carefully, take notes, discuss actively, carry out the spirit of not afraid of hardship and fear of fatigue, and conscientiously complete the training subjects arranged by instructors.
the people's court of the judicial police is the police series, belonging to the people's courts at all levels, but there are obvious differences between the people's police and other police, has a special nature:
1. in the trial activities of people's courts in the trial, execution, warrant, detention, execution of judicial activities, these tasks are required by the judicial police to complete.
2. 司法警察部门是人民法院内部不同于法官的一个带有武装性质的机构,如警卫法庭、押解人犯、执行死刑、警卫刑场等都是强制对方绝对服从的。
2. judicial police department is inside the people's court is different from the one with the armed forces of the institutions such as courts, judges, guards escort prisoners, executions, guards are compulsory execution other absolute submission.
3. 人民法院司法警察担负着保卫审判机关的安全,维护人民法院正常工作秩序的重任,通过行使职权预防、制止审判活动中的违法犯罪行为,因而其又具有行政性。
3., the judicial police of the people's court are responsible for safeguarding the safety of the judicial organs and maintaining the normal working order of the people's courts. by exercising their functions and powers, we can prevent and stop illegal activities in the trial activities, so they are administrative.
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