法院书记员为什么能够记录得那么快? -金沙娱场城app
some friends, after seeing the american legal drama documentary or reflect the trial, may be of interest to the united states court clerk: long time exposure to both lawyers crossfire clerk, how to ensure detailed and accurately record every word between the two sides, forming the complete court records?
the basic point: the court recorder doesn't remember the specific spelling of the words, but the pronunciation.
at first glance, is it a bit like a piano? yes, these keys and combination of a plurality of keys, as the keys corresponding to the notes, corresponding language syllable records is not listening to a specific word, but according to hear the voice of the press.
然而,仅仅记录音节是不够的,英语中有很多单词听起来相同或者十分相近,但拼写方法不同,这在人名中特别常见。例如,catherine和katherine, marc和mark, alan和allen,如果仅仅记住了声音,翻译时候难免会有混淆,因此速记员也需要事先了解一下当事人情况,记住所涉及人物的名字。有时速记员听到一个陌生人名不确定拼写方法的,也有可能打断发言询问人名的拼写方法。
however, it is not enough to just record syllables. there are many words in english that sound the same or very similar, but spelling is different, which is particularly common in people names. for example, catherine and katherine, marc and mark, alan and allen, if only to remember the sound, when there will be confusion, therefore also need to know about the stenographer of the parties involved, remember the names of the characters. sometimes a stenographer hears a stranger's name and does not know how to spell it. he may also interrupt and ask for spelling.
for lawyers, on the one hand is to protect their own speech coherence, on the one hand is also in the stenographer work respect, tend to be easily confused or unusual names written in notepad, pass the stenographer before speaking. my chinese name is so many that foreigners can't spell it, so i've also printed some business cards, ready to hand it to stenographer.
in addition, although shorthand students generally have a high level of education, they may not know all the specialized vocabulary in all fields. it is therefore more polite to notify the stenographer beforehand about the name of the chemical, the name of the medicine, the terminology of the science, etc.. of course, the stenographer will review the court record himself.
那么法庭记录员可以有多快呢?要在美国成为法庭记录员,必须通过法庭记录员协会(national court reporters association)的考试,低要求是每分钟记录225个单词。据网上了解到的情况,考试用的对话既有模拟的法庭辩论,也有大段的文章,按照每分钟225个单词的速度播放,要求不但能跟上,也要保证准确率。
so how fast can a court clerk be? to be a court record in the united states, a national court reporters association examination must be adopted. the minimum requirement is to record 225 words per minute. according to online understanding of the situation, the test dialogue, both analog court debate, but also a large section of the article, in accordance with the speed of 225 words per minute play, the requirements can not only keep up with, but also to ensure accuracy.
of course, 225 words per minute are only the minimum requirement, and experienced stenographer can reach about 300 words per minute. this rate has greatly exceeded the people speaking, we can find an english article or text try, speed close to 200 words a minute i feel a bit like a list of dishes. in actual court proceedings, you need to pay attention to the tone and pause when you want to speak. the actual speed is almost impossible to exceed 200 words per minute, which is more than enough for the stenographer.