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县司法局举办全县司法所长及基层调解员业务培训 -金沙娱场城app


county judicial bureau organized the county judicial director and grassroots mediator business training


in order to further strengthen the county grassroots people's mediation organization team construction, improve the level of grassroots mediators to resolve social contradictions and disputes, promote community correction and resettlement work ability, comprehensive service center of the overall work of party committees and governments, to meet the party of nineteen was held recently, the county bureau of justice, judicial director and grassroots mediators within the county to carry out business training.


the training session, the notary county legal instructors office staff members of the county and county bureau of justice department official with the current focus of the work of party committees and governments, comprehensively and systematically explain the people's mediation, community correction and resettlement assistance, legal aid, public services and other aspects of the business knowledge, training of staff awareness of the rule of law, improve staff professional level and risk prevention capacity.


after the training, the county bureau of justice also launched the "general principles of civil law propaganda into the grassroots and corporate benefits service kang beauty of qiandao lake", issued a total of "legal aid service guide", "general principles of civil law" brochures publicity more than 2600 copies, and provided legal advice to more than 300 people.


the training has effectively improved the understanding of the people's mediation work under the new situation by the judicial director and the grassroots mediators and held a harmonious and stable social environment in order to meet the nineteen major victories of the party. next, the county justice bureau will also go into qiandao lake, tsing wan and chi chi, for more judicial directors and grassroots mediators to send business training.
