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潘集法院上线“智能书记员” -金沙娱场城app


in court on-line smart clerk"


the course of the trial because of inductive bias, the clerk writing speed to keep up with understanding, often caused by the court records are not comprehensive, accurate, that is interrupted in the trial, the judge and the parties need to constantly repeat content, resulting in hearing rhythm procrastination and the process is not smooth.


in order to deal with these problems, draw lessons from foreign experience through the court panji court clerk, the virtual trial system into the link to criminal and civil cases.



the virtual clerk system, covering voice acquisition and real-time transfer and record modify editing functions, the trial synchronized speech into words and generate transcripts of the trial, the secretary of the judicial officers and the course of the trial, the plaintiff and the defendant and other parties to the statement of automatic real-time identification of angle color into text, displayed on the record. during the trial, if it occurs, it is too fast


unable to modify and record the whole part in time, the secretary may take the mark marking method, play the recording system separately, and complete the transcript. if the party has asked for verification of the record, it may also take the form of staged playback.


the on-line system, which can improve the quality and efficiency of the trial, the court records and reduce workload, can let the judges presided over the trial of both parties can be absorbed in, also can concentrate on their work, but also effectively improve the efficiency of the trial, more conducive to justice, "the investigators further liberated the productive forces", to better fulfill the justice function.


at present, the court is trying to speed up the construction of information system, with information as the core of the wisdom of the construction of the court, will profoundly affect the future work mode of panji court, is conducive to enhancing the work efficiency and the court in the judicial credibility.

