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山东法院书记员主要负责什么事务? -金沙娱场城app


  after the above materials are prepared, the clerk shall begin to prepare the service (in fact, it may notify the parties first, and then prepare the materials, according to the actual situation)


  the telephone to inform the accused according to (provided by the plaintiff and the defendant contact situation, should do, if there is no contact telephone records), or can not provide ways to contact the plaintiff to the defendant, shall require plaintiffs (according to the complaint or confirmation of the address for service on the phone to the original plaintiff).



  the plaintiff has the obligation to provide the defendant's contact information. if the plaintiff cannot provide the contact telephone number, they should be asked the address provided by the plaintiff is accurate, if the plaintiff cannot determine whether the address is accurate, can go to the public security department query defendant's domicile by domicile, address of service.


  in the mail before, and the defendant's domicile grassroots organization staff (such as the village party secretary, the village director, comprehensive management engineer), understand the defendant, telephone contact situation should make phone records.


  when the secretary knows that the defendant cannot be notified by telephone, he should communicate with the contractor in time, and the contractor decides whether to go directly to the defendant's domicile or wait for the plaintiff to search for clues.


  but the author suggests that the clerk should send the service to the defendant's domicile by the court delivery, because once the other ways can not be served, the returned mail can also be served as the basis for the announcement.


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