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法院法警的警用器械使用管理规定! -金沙娱场城app


in the work of police security, if one of the following circumstances is invalid after warning, judicial police may use police equipment, but it is also a certain provision. next laiwu court police recruitment on the use of police equipment to explain to you the rules of the court police!


in the following cases, the police may use police equipment:


(1) the defendant or the criminal escaped;


(2) if the defendant, criminal or other persons attempt to attack the judicial personnel, the public prosecutor, the defender or other participants in the proceedings;



(3) besieging or attacking judicial police who are carrying out police security tasks;


(4) forcibly breaking through the warning line set by the judicial police for the performance of police security duties;


(5) other acts that endanger the order of the courts and the working order of the people's courts need to be stopped on the spot;


(6) other situations in which police equipment may be used as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.


when judicial police use police equipment in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they shall limit themselves to stopping illegal and criminal acts. when the illegal and criminal acts are stopped, they shall stop using them immediately.


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