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法院警察在执行传唤时有哪些原则? -金沙娱场城app


the task of the forensic police is to ensure the normal trial process and the execution of the trial results. today, the small edition of the recruitment of the judicial police in shandong courts will popularize the principles of the judicial police in the execution of summons.


silence in the execution of summons should be achieved:

( 1 )执行前应核实被传唤人的姓名、性别、年龄、地址及传唤内容等;

(1) before execution, the name, sex, age, address and content of the callee should be verified.

( 2 )送达《传唤通知书》应交给被传唤人,如果本人不在,可交由其成年家属或者所在单位负责人代收;

(2) the service of the call notice shall be delivered to the person subpoenaed. if he is not present, he may be sent to his adult family members or to the person in charge of the unit in which he belongs.

( 3 )送达《传唤通知书》应填写送达回证,并由收件人本人或者代收入签名盖章,如果收件人或者代收入拒绝签名盖章,则应邀请收件人邻居或其他见证人到场说明情况,把传票留在该处,并在送达回证上记明拒收事由、送达日期等;


(3) when serving the call notice, the service return certificate shall be filled in and sealed with the signature of the recipient himself or on behalf of the income. if the recipient or on behalf of the income refuses to sign and seal, the recipient's neighbours or other witnesses shall be invited to present the information, the summons shall be left there, and the cause of rejection and the date of service shall be marked on the service return certificate. period and so on;

( 4 )传唤被取保候审、监视居住的犯罪嫌疑人、被告 人,须先行与采取强制措施的执行机关联系,到被传唤人所属派出所登记后方能予以执行;

(4) if a criminal suspect or defendant is summoned on bail pending trial or under residential surveillance, he or she must first contact the enforcement organ that takes compulsory measures and then register with the police station to which the summoned person belongs before executing the summons.

( 5 )在特殊情况下可以口头传唤,但不应采取间接转告或者捎口信的方式口

(5) oral summons may be made under special circumstances, but indirect or message-taking shall not be adopted.


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