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招警公安知识使用武器的程序! -金沙娱场城app

  公安警察遇到了《中华人民共和国使用警备和武器条例》第9条规定的紧急情况之一。 如果警告无效,则可以使用武器。 如果没有警告或警告,则可能导致更严重的有害后果。 武器可以直接使用。

  the public security police encountered one of the emergency situations stipulated in article 9 of the regulations of the people's republic of china on the use of police and weapons. if the warning is invalid, the weapon can be used. if there is no warning or warning, it may lead to more serious harmful consequences. weapons can be used directly.


  the police shall use weapons in accordance with the following procedures:


  (i) find out the site conditions;

  (二)说明警察的身份,开枪射击; 在紧急情况下,您可以在拍摄时表明您的身份;

  (ii) state the identity of the police and shoot; in case of emergency, you can indicate your identity when shooting;


  (3) order to avoid the presence of irrelevant personnel;


  (4) to order them to stop violent crimes or issue warnings;


  (5)如果犯罪者在警察公开警告或发出警告之后继续发生暴力行为,则可以使用武器; 如果没有警告或警告,可能导致更严重的有害后果,并且可以直接使用武器;

  (5) if the perpetrator continues to commit violence after the public warning or warning issued by the police, he can use weapons; if there is no warning or warning, it may lead to more serious harmful consequences, and can use weapons directly;


  (6) when the offender stops committing a crime, obeys the police or the police or loses the ability to continue committing a crime, he shall immediately stop shooting and hold a gun;


  (7) keep the gun alarm until the danger is eliminated;


  (8) after the elimination of danger is confirmed, the gun insurance shall be closed and the gun shall be recovered.
