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事业单位考试推理经验常识! -金沙娱场城app


in guizhou's institutional examination, there is a kind of question that is basically necessary for every examination, that is, analogical reasoning. analogical reasoning seems to be relatively simple, but there are also many pitfalls that confuse candidates and make them tangle. from the point of view, analogical reasoning focuses on the examination of logical relations, verbal relations, empirical common sense and theoretical common sense. among them, experience and common sense are the most common test points, almost every time more than one third of the questions appear. next, i will tell you how to get out of the trap of experience and common sense.


experience and common sense mainly examine the functional relationship, constituent relationship, professional relationship and processing relationship. these test points seem simple, but we can't distinguish these common sense. functional relationship is to examine the use and function of things, for example: air conditioning has the function of cooling and heating. component relationship refers to the relationship between the whole and the part, trees and forests, trees constitute forests. the occupation relationship examines the collocation of occupation name, location, tools and work content, such as doctor, hospital, scalpel and operation. processing relationship refers to the relationship between raw materials and finished products, such as wood processing into tables, flour processing into bread. students here need to distinguish between the two processing relationships. the physical change is when the wood is processed into a table, and the chemical change is when the flour is processed into bread through fermentation.



wheat: steamed bread

a.糜鹿:麝香 b.叶绿体:细胞

a. milu: musk b. chloroplast: cell

c.乌贼:墨汁 d.棉花:布鞋

c. squid: ink d. cotton: cloth shoes


[analysis] d. the dried wheat can be processed into steamed bread. item a elk, also known as "four unlike", is the eastern part of the world treasure and belongs to the deer family. for the head and face are like horses, the horns like deer, and the neck like camels. the tail is like an ass, so it's named four unlike. musk is a kind of medicinal material. it is the dry secretion of musk deer's male sachet. elk has nothing to do with musk. chloroplast is a component of cell, and the two are component relations. squid can spray black ink, but squid and ink are not the relationship between raw materials and finished products. cotton can be processed into cloth shoes. so choose d for this question.


through the above question, we find that the examination points are very simple, which are common experiences in real life, but when there are problems, our common sense is often not enough. at this time, we need to pay attention to life, understand life and accumulate necessary common sense to solve problems.
