法院检察院招聘书记员的工作职责是什么? -金沙娱场城app
i believe that in the eyes of many people, the job of clerk is nothing more than the work content of court trial stenography, that is, the stenographer in a narrow sense, but in fact it is not the case. this statement is right, but it is not complete. in addition to the recording work in the process of trial, there are several other main responsibilities.
the first major part is to handle the routine work in the process of pre-trial preparation, mainly including:
1. check the number of files.
2. check whether there is a process management form, whether the filing reviewer and the president of the court sign.
3. check whether there are transfer letters of appeal, bills of litigation costs or the procedures of deferring, reducing or exempting the payment of litigation costs.
4. whether there are petitions, pleadings, service certificates, whether the parties have signed and stamped on the appeals and pleadings; whether the supporting materials are complete.
5. there are three copies of the anti-corruption supervision card.
6. whether the entrusted agency procedures and identity certificates are complete.
7. if the above materials are incomplete or lacking, the clerk may refuse to accept the case and return it to the filing court for correction or supplement; if it meets the acceptance conditions, the clerk shall sign for acceptance.
8. after receiving the file, the clerk shall make a register on the same day, recording the case number, filing time, basic information of the parties, amount of litigation costs, subject matter, number of files, undertaker, etc., and submit the file to the president of the court.
9. the clerk shall transfer the case file to the judge in charge within 2 days after receiving it.
then the court will check the attendance of the participants in the court and announce the court discipline, which mainly includes:
1. all personnel must obey the command of the chief judge2、未经允许不得录音、录像和摄影;
2. no sound recording, video recording or photographing is allowed without permission;3、不准进入审判区,不准随意走动;
3. they are not allowed to enter the trial area and walk around at will;4、不准鼓掌、喧哗和其他妨碍审判活动的行为;5、不准擅自发言、提问,如对法庭的审判活动有意见可 在 休 庭后口头或书面向法庭提出;6、不准携带武器进入法庭;4. it is forbidden to clap, make noise and other behaviors that hinder the trial activities; 5. it is not allowed to speak or ask questions without authorization. if you have any opinions on the trial activities of the court, you can put forward them to the court orally or in writing after the recess; 6. no weapons are allowed to enter the court;7、不准吸烟和随地吐痰;
7. smoking and spitting are not allowed;
8. during the court trial, mobile communication tools were shut down.
9. observers are not allowed to speak or enter the trial area然后才是大家所熟知的:案件审理过程中的记录工作。
then there is what we all know: the record work in the trial process.
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