警察学员的工资待遇怎么样? -金沙娱场城app
high salary
in fact, it's no secret about the income of police cadets. a few years ago, someone did a survey and found that the salary of police in beijing and other areas can reach more than 9000. in fact, this data is still lagging behind. according to the previous contact between teachers and police cadets, the composition of monthly income is relatively complex, including basic salary, performance salary, various subsidies, bonuses and so on for the grassroots police or traffic police who have more attendance, the subsidy will be higher. in a word, the salary of police cadets is higher than that of local civil servants. if you say that, i believe you should be aware of the salary level of police.
good career development
职业发展。警察学员在通过面试以后,会入学公安学院一年半,一年半以后会根据市公安局的调配计划,前往各区各派出所工作,是正式的公务员编制,之前据一位准民警的描述, 自己一位表哥,工作比较努力,任劳任怨,几年时间就独当一面,成为一个社区派出所的所长,后期还会有更好的发展。所以诸位同学走出学校还是一个20不到的小伙子或小姑娘,几年之后,就能成为独当一面的好民警了。
career development. after passing the interview, the police cadets will enter the public security college for a year and a half. after a year and a half, they will go to work in various districts and police stations according to the deployment plan of the municipal public security bureau. it is a formal civil service establishment. according to a prospective police officer, as a cousin, he works hard and bears no complaints. in a few years, he has become the director of a community police station and will have a better development later. so you students out of the school or a less than 20 young man or girl, a few years later, can become a good policeman.
the pressure of preparing for the exam is low
competition is less than competition. the previous discussion on income and career development has highlighted the advantages of this position. if we want to talk about some advantages, there are the following two points:
1、报考者要求具有市常住户口(高校集体户口除外),取得近两年全日制普通高等院校大专(高专、高职)及以上学历(退役士兵可放宽条件),这样较为苛刻的条件直接使得警察学员竞争比低至约1: 5, 相比市考和国考来说进面几率更大。
1. candidates are required to have a permanent residence in the city (except the collective residence in colleges and universities), and obtain a full-time college degree (college, higher vocational) or above in ordinary colleges and universities for nearly two years (ex soldiers can relax the conditions). such harsh conditions directly make the competition ratio of police students as low as 1:5, which is more likely to make progress than the city examination and the national examination.
2. the written examination paper is relatively simple. among the various municipal examinations (municipal civil servant examination, municipal public institution examination, national civil servant examination, etc.), the written examination questions of police cadets are relatively simple, and the pressure of preparing for the examination is relatively small compared with other examinations. in addition, the annual enrollment scale of police cadets is relatively large, and it is the overall enrollment. compared with the public examination system, the probability of enrollment is certainly much larger. so you must seize the opportunity and prepare carefully.
starting from 2017, the examination time of municipal police cadets has been advanced from mid may to late april, which is consistent with the joint examination time. in addition to the delay of this year's epidemic, the examination time in recent years is relatively stable.
the early bird catches the worm. don't wait for the announcement to prepare for the exam. the enthusiasm of police cadets is increasing year by year, and their competitiveness is growing. they have lost in the starting line after the announcement!