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collegial panel review. the end of the investigation, the mediation agreement is not reached, the ①合议庭评议。法庭调查结束,进行调解没有达成协议的,合议庭成员退庭进行评议。合议庭评议案件,实行少数服从多数的原则。评议应当制作笔录,由合议庭成员签名。评议中的不同意见,必须如实记入笔录。

collegial panel review. the end of the investigation, the mediation agreement is not reached, the members of the collegial panel retired for review. the principle of the minority obeying the majority in the deliberation of the case by the collegial panel. the record shall be made by the members of the collegial panel. the different opinions in the deliberations shall be truthfully recorded in the transcript.


according to the supreme people's court "several provisions on" people's court the provisions of article tenth: "the collegiate bench case, the judge to comment on the facts of the case, the evidence is reliable and sufficient and applicable law, the presiding judge finally published opinions; the presiding judge as the judges, the presiding judge finally comment. when judging the results of a case, the presiding judge shall make final comments. the presiding judge shall, in accordance with the conclusion of the review, combine the concluding opinions of the court's deliberations. members of the collegial panel shall be held responsible for their opinions, fully express their opinions, exercise their voting rights independently, and shall not refuse to state their opinions or simply agree or disagree. agree with the views of others, should also be based on the facts and legal basis for analysis and demonstration. the members of the collegial panel shall vote on the results of the review in the form of oral voting".


pronouncement of judgment. the collegial panel shall make a written judgment. in accordance with the provisions of the civil procedure law, whether or not open trial, the verdict shall be made public. in the court sentenced (stand up), shall be served within ten days of the judgment; the periodic sentencing, sentencing immediately after the verdict. in the case of a judgment, the parties concerned shall inform the parties of the right to appeal, the time limit for appeal and the court of appeal. in the case of a divorce judgment, the parties concerned shall be informed that the parties shall not be allowed to get married before the judgment has become legally effective. after the court hearing, the presiding judge announced the closing of the court (not in court for sentencing, the presiding judge announced the adjournment).

